
Bat, trimmer, hammer used in lawn brawl - Yahoo! News

Bat, trimmer, hammer used in lawn brawl - Yahoo! News

FRUIT COVE, Fla-The supervisor went for a bat. The employee whipped out a weed trimmer. Another worker used a hammer to break up the fight.

That's the scene St. Johns County authorities described Tuesday after a lawn service supervisor critized one of his worker's grass-cutting skills, the Florida Times-Union reported.

Lance Tywan Wamley, 26, of Hollywood, Fla., is charged with threatening several men with 34-inch baseball bat and then hitting one man in the chest. The worker Eric J. Torres, 23, defended himself with a weed trimmer, authorities said.

Another worker, armed with a hammer, broke up the scuffle, authorities said.

Torres was treated at a hospital. Wamley was charged with felony assault and battery. Information on his legal representation was not available Thursday.

LOL, it's a good thing I cut my own lawn.


Trees are stripped for medicinal bark - Yahoo! News

Trees are stripped for medicinal bark - Yahoo! News

By SAMIRA JAFARI, Associated Press Writer

DANIEL BOONE NATIONAL FOREST, Ky.- The 20-foot tree stands half naked, much of the bark stripped from it's trunk. It has only months to live. "It doesn't know it's dead," says the U.S Forestry Service botanist David Taylor, pointing to the healthy leaves overhead.

The slippery elm has fallen victim to thieves who tore off it's bark for profit in the lucrative and burgeoning herbal-remedy market.
(full story at link above)

Wow, this is really sad that this is being done to our forests and I can't imagine the level of frustration the forestry workers must feel. I know I feel like knocking people upside the head when I see that some small plant has been torn from my garden or see a bloom is missing.

List of garden plants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of garden plants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I was looking around for tropical plants and came across this HUGE list of garden plants on Wikipedia. The best part is that so many of the entries have pics so you can see the plant in question and read up on them.