
USATODAY.com - Americans obsessed with their orchids

USATODAY.com - Americans obsessed with their orchids

"BOLINAS,Calif(AP)-They're tempermental, but tough. Sensitive, yet strong. They bloom infrequently, but beautifully. Some say figuring out how to make orchids thrive at home can be as challenging as rasiing kids. And like parents packing children off to camp, orchid lovers across the country are paying hundreds of dollars each month to professional to take care of plants when they're not in bloom.

"I have the sickness,"says Jeff Doney, a San Francisco architect who estimates his collection of 200 orchids is worth $10,000. He spends $300 a month on boarding his plants at California Orchids in Bolina..."

I found this article to be interesting and decided to post it incase any orchid lovers come across this post. You can click the link above to get the whole story.