
Amaryllis Pollination

On my other blog I've been posting little gardening tips and tricks and I originally posted this one there but I figured I'd post it here too for visitors who may be looking for information on propagating their Amaryllis bulbs. I started doing it last year and found it to be very easy to do and now have a few seedlings of crosses that I made. But if you only have one Amaryllis you can still propagate it because many will accept their own pollen. I do it one of two ways:  how to pollinate an amaryllis

Garden News Items

The stolen cacti that I blogged about back on Feb 3rd has been recovered and you can read the story details here. I'm glad to hear that they got their cacti back because it meant so much to them.

Also a new tomato plant virus has been discovered in two Arizona gardens. You can read the full story and description to check on your plants here. I'll cross my fingers for all the tomato growers out there.

There are a few other garden or nature related stories on sharing on my blog's side bar. If you have a minute take a look and read up.