
Grow Your Own Eat Your Own by Bob Flowerdew -Garden Book Review

A few days after Bulb by Anna Pavord arrived in the mail for me to review I got a copy of Grow Your Own Eat Your Own by Bob Flowerdew. While flipping through the pages I was charmed by the photography, design of the book and food styling for the recipes. Yes, I judge books by their cover and the whole look of the book is a bit of a shock for someone accustomed to the antiseptic (in a good way) design of books and magazines by Martha Stewart or Organic Gardening magazine. While they contain good information and are aesthetically pleasing, it sometimes bothers me to see hand models with perfectly manicured fingernails and oxford shirts in gardening publications. Where was I? Oh, yes.

Pink Adenium Obesum Flower

While I could consider this past summer a failure in the garden, for several reasons, one reason why it will go do down in history as one of the best growing seasons is because one of my Adenium Obesums was in bloom. It only had three blooms, but this pink Adenium Obesum flower was my favorite flower in the garden.

 Pink Dessert Rose, Adenium Obesum flower