
Feeling antsy?

When I was a kid I wanted an Ant Farm really bad. I don't know if my parents were too cheap or too poor to waste money on something so trivial. Either way I wasn't ever given one. So one day I took an empty mini aquarium and filled it with dirt and placed it outside. In the center of the home made terrarium I placed a piece of candy. Soon I had a swarm of ants crawling all over the ghetto ant farm and I placed a piece of glass I found over it. Satisfied that I had won over frugality or poverty and got what I wanted I headed inside with my farm.

I placed it on a shelf near a window and watched it daily as the little ants went about their days building tunnels and eating the tiny scraps I placed inside. I was more than pleased with the little community that was living ontop of my shelf. That was until one day when I forgot to close the bedroom door and I came home to an empty ant farm that was toppled over and the ants had escaped. The usually suspects were my siblings, but since they were in school with me it could only have been my cat. Once my mom found out about the farm and their escape of the farm I was barred from ever having one again.

Since then whenever I see an ant farm in a store I have to fight the urge to buy one and send away for the ants. Now that I'm grown up I fear buying one farm that will lead to many additions that completely take over my room. I think I'd turn into the ant keeping equivalent of the crazy cat lady. But I came across antcam.com and I have the urge to build one of these cool Claustral Cells. Part of me really wants to do it but the other part of me fears another escape. Maybe I'll just leave the ants in the garden where I can feed them pieces of candy and watch them march up and down plants.


  1. If you want a really cool Ant Farm check out this:


  2. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I've seen that one before I was going to add it to this entry. One thing I was left wondering was what happens when they use up all the gel?

  3. Anonymous5:56 PM

    you know what i aloved them too as a kid and i had one in my junk drawer luckily my mom always checked my room and especially my special drawer,, good thing, what a surprise that was,,!, beth

  4. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Beth you kept them in a drawer? LOL. Maybe I should have done that with mine.



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