
Amaryllis 'Apple Blossom'

Amaryllis Apple BlossomThis Amaryllis 'Apple Blossom' is currently in bloom in my indoor garden. It's another one of my Amaryllis bulbs that I purchased from a big box store after the Holidays about a year ago. I believe I used the pollen from this bulb in a crossing with an Amaryllis 'Red Lion' last year but I didn't label the seed pods. The metallic sheen on the flowers of this bulb really make it one of my favorite Amaryllis bulbs.


  1. That's a really good picture!

    I've noticed the background. What is it that you're using to achieve it? Paper bag?

  2. Hey thanks.

    You're close. It's a piece of Christmas wrapping paper. I have a collection of papers with different colors and patterns I use to photograph things that I attached to a board with either bulldog clips or with thumb tacks. That way I don't photograph the room that I'm using.

    Sort of a ghetto photo studio.

  3. Great photo! I've learned a lot about blogging and photography from reading your blog...not to mention Amaryllis'! My pretty red amaryllis had a 2nd bloom toward it's base a couple of weeks ago. What a pleasant surprise. I'm headed toward the backyard garden with it today. Have a great day!



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