
New Comment Feature in Blogger

Blogger is experimenting with OpenID and is trying to make it easier for people who don't blog on Blogger to be able to comment. I just noticed that a non Blogger gardener tried to comment with the old feature and was having trouble. I've enabled the new comment feature through Blogger In Draft to see how it goes.

If you have a WordPress, LiveJournal, TypePad, AOL/AIM or any OpenID test out the comment feature and let me know how it works for you. You can read about the new comment options on New feature OpenID commenting.

I'm not a fan of this but if it makes it easier for us to cross-polinate our garden blogs I guess I can live with it.


I just tested the new feature and I left a comment with my wordpress ID and it created a link to the blog over there. Which btw, has no real content of any kind.

I'm not receiving notification of the comment I left with my wordpress ID so I'm going to disable openID comments on this blog until they fix whatever problems they're having with this. If you're unhappy with the new comments feature please visit the link above and make yourself heard in the comments section of the official blog.

to non Blogspot users

I just saw that some people are suggesting you leave your link in the comments section since you can't link back in your screen name. I strongly suggest that you don't do that on blogs where you haven't established a relationship. If the blog owner is anything like me you'll probably have your comment deleted because you'll be mistaken for a spammer.

One thing you could so is if you have a Gmail account is create a blogger profile. In your profile you can add a link to your website in the left hand side and in the "about" section you can link to your non Blogspot blogs. I use the about section to link to my most active blogs on Blogspot. For an example see my profile. I have a few Gmail invitations to give out if anyone needs one, you can find my e-mail in the profile link.


  1. First time at you blog. I'm browsing around as a new member of Green Thumb Sunday. I'm enjoying what I see! If you have a chance to pop over to my blog, please stop to say 'hi'. It's lonely out here on the Left Coast.

  2. Anonymous7:35 PM

    If you want some help on the issue you asked about at my blog, I've made a limited time offer. :-)

    Check it out.

    Nice blog.

  3. I didn't know about this new feature - this is the first time I have seen it.

    I should try signing in from my Wordpress writing blog and see what happens.

  4. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Thanks for doing this.
    I will try and see what happens.

  5. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Hi Mr. Brown Thumb,
    This seems to work but it doesn't link back to my blog. So I'm going to try something else.

  6. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Thank you for doing this but it seems that google does not want anyone without a blogger account to have a live link back to their non-blogger account.
    I think this is sad.
    Thanks again
    Chigiy from gardeners anonymous.

  7. phydeaux3,

    As you know I saw your comment and replied. Thanks for trying to help. And if anyone is curious phydeaux3 is the blogger that figured out how to add the Label Cloud for blogger. See his blog for instructions on how to add it to yours.


    I made the option available after seeing your comment on the other post but it doesn't look like it has made any difference for you. I'm assuming you were signed into your typepad account?

  8. chigiy,

    See the link above because this is still in the "testing" stage and you could contribute your experience so they know that non blogger people are having a problem with the functionality of it. It could be that they fix it later but for now you should mention it at the link above that it doesn't work like it should.

  9. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Just testing signing into comment with a WordPress account.

  10. kate, you are right! Is a Google "testimony" about Blogger Impotence!



Feel free to leave a comment. You can always use the search box for my blog or the search "Google For Gardeners" if you're looking for gardening information. If you're looking for seed saving information check out "Seed Snatcher"search engine.

Do not have a blog yourself? Comment using the "anonymous" feature. If you have a Twitter or FB account feel free to use the "Name URL" feature so other people can find you.

Thanks for visiting.