
Garden Blogger Meetup May 29-31

I'm part of a group of Chicagoland area garden bloggers who have been planning a garden blogger meetup this May 29th-31st. We're inviting all garden bloggers across the globe to come and participate in Chicago Spring Fling. We'll be showing off several of Chicago's great parks and attractions talking about photography, blogging and just getting to know each other. Consider this my personal invitation to you if I don't make it to your garden blog and leave you a comment about this event. Being a frugal gardener myself I know that a trip like this can be costly but the tours of the parks are free, you'll pay for your own lodging and meals.

Like I said, all garden bloggers are invited and I'd really like the opportunity to meet all of you who leave comments and and even those of you who don't. In particular any male garden bloggers because so far I'm the only guy I know who will be attending. So, guys how about some representation? It should be fun and we're working on lining up some sponsors to provide us with some items for participants. So far we have a couple of sponsors and Proven Winners is stepping up to the plate with a great gift for garden bloggers who participate. If you know of any companies or organizations who would be willing to sponsor our event and provide some gifts don't hesitate to contact me or pass on this information to them. I'll be doing a roundup post of our sponsors here on my gardening blog. So if you send me press releases or solicitations to write about your product this is your lucky day!

More information check out our group blog at ChicagoGardeners.blogspot.com.

Sorry I haven't kept up with the comments here, I've been busy working on Chicago Spring Fling but I'll be replying and visiting your garden blogs soon or at odd hours of the night.


  1. Well of course I would love to, but -- was it really necessary to schedule it for the very busiest week in the very busiest season for retail garden centers?

  2. LOL, yes, it seems that any kind of garden-y thing I attend is predominantly attended by women. Which isn't a bad thing for a man, surely. When my nephew took a home ec class in high school, his male friends teased him saying "But there's only GIRLS in that class!" His response/ "Exactly!" Which isn't to say I don't welcome more men!

  3. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Very interesting. Sounds like a blast. I hope I don't book a job for that weekend and I'll try to make it.

    My dad's a big gardener, loves trees especially. My grandpa is also a big gardener (loves veggies). I actually know a lot of gardeners of the male persuasion, it seems like most of them don't have blogs though.

    Perhaps you should contact Ethel Gloves (although they're only for women). They fantastic, http://chiotsrun.com/2008/12/26/ethel-gloves/

  4. Sounds great! Perhaps in '10 you can bring it to San Francisco..

  5. My Mother (Carolyn from Sweet Home and Garden
    Chicago Blog) will be there and I'll try to show
    up too Since I only live in Glen Ellyn :)

  6. Mr_Subjunctive, lol. I had nothing to do with the date set. There is also a convention those days in Chicago which causes some headaches. But I hope you can still come.

    Monica That's a good way to look at it I suppose.

    Chiot's Run-thanks for commenting and for the lead. I'll look into it.

    Jaren-It isn't my meetup but maybe California garden bloggers could raise their hands when the next one comes around. I'd go.

    Cathy-Well you're already here so hope you do make it.

  7. Sadly, I won't be able to make it this year, MBT. We have moved back to FL since Hubby lost his job in Illinois. I was so looking forward to meeting you and many other garden-bloggers I've "met" online over the past year. I'm now anticipating reading all about the Fling when you and the other lucky ones post about it. I think it's wonderful that you are taking on this huge challenge and wish you all the best.

  8. Chicagoan transplanted to San Francisco Bay Area, please add my blog:


    Would love to catch up with Chicago gardeners, but unable to attend in May. AliceAnastasia

  9. Mr. Brown Thumb -- Thanks for all your hard work on the Fling II. I've booked flights and rooms and am eager to see all you have planned for us. I helped plan #I in Austin last year and am so looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Thanks.



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