
Lettuce 'Sea of Red'

Up until recently I'd never been the kind of gardener who thought of vegetables as beautiful. Sure, I believe that vegetable gardens as a whole can be beautiful, but taken individually the plants in vegetable gardens never struck me as beautiful. Does it even matter if your vegetables, fruits and herbs are beautiful? Don't they all end up looking the same after they've served their purpose? When I knew I would be growing petunia 'Black Cat' in my container garden this year I went in search of other things, primarily vegetables and herbs, I could grow around it that would compliment the dark hues of 'Black Cat.' Lettuce 'Sea of Red' is one of those vegetables with style.

Lettuce Sea of Red, dark lettuce variety

'Sea of Red' actually gets a lot bigger than this photo would indicate, but I've been growing it as salad greens. Throughout the summer I've added it to sandwiches and sprinkling some into salads to give them some color. Yes, this lettuce has been grown throughout summer in my full sun container garden. I've provided it some shade by growing it in a small pot that I nestle below larger potted plants to help it endure the heat. Being a cut and come again lettuce variety after harvesting you can get more leaves from the same plant. I cut some leaves and let the plant recuperate and send out new leaves. The leaves start out green, turning a nice red color, but when exposed to full sun they develop this rich mahogany color. The more sun the plant receives the darker the leaves get; making it more interesting to look at in your salad mix. The seeds for 'Sea of Red' came from ReneesGarden as part of samples for garden writers and were provided for free. Although, now that I've grown this lettuce and know that it can survive the hot summer in my container garden I'll have to purchase more seeds to grow next year.


  1. I have some red lettuces in 'Farmer's Red,' another cut & come again mix (which I'm 100% sold on) from Renee's, but this is *gorgeous!* I'm kicking myself for missing it on that media list! Does it taste any different (peppery?) from normal lettuces?

  2. I was asked on Twitter if 'Sea of Red' was really bitter. Honestly, it isn't bitter at all. It has a nice clean taste to it.

  3. Um, I really meant 'Farmer's Market Blend,' not 'Farmer's Red.'

  4. I like the bitter lettuces, too, but good to know. Definitely on my list for next year. P.S. No, I won't comment again on this post. :)

  5. Ha, I see you have the same question as Kelly. I didn't see the 'Farmer's Red' lettuce but I'll have to check it out. No, it surprisingly doesn't taste peppery or bitter. But then again, my taste buds skew towards bitter and sour foods, so maybe I'm not the best source for the taste. I think Gina also got this lettuce this year so I'll ask her and see what she says about it.

  6. So pretty! I think I'm going to suggest growing that at work so we can use it in our spring containers!

  7. That has a really nice dark color...it would look really pretty growing in a container with some other dark plants...might have to check that out...especially if it is heat resistant. I've always thought vegetables were beautiful...the Iowa State Fair is next week and I usually take like 40 pictures of just the veggies. DH thinks I'm weird, but I don't care.

  8. Frequently our local spring gardening show has show gardens with lettuce used as a "color" - swaths of greens and reds mixed with annuals and perennials purely for looks. Have been wanting to try it, but there always seem to be too many other projects... maybe next year!

  9. Try Amaranthus cruentus or Oriental red mustard! I'm not a big lettuce fan, but I do love my amaranth and mustard leaves.


  10. So pretty! I think veggies are beautiful. Towards the ends of their useful lives they can get kind of tattered-looking and not so pretty, but from seedlings to peak production, I think they're lovely. Many of them also have very pretty flowers. (Herbs are pretty too!)

  11. i never see thats herb in my country.

  12. You cite a photo in your post and some commenters refer to it too. Perhaps I can't see it because it is an archived post? Anyhow there is no photo in the above post.

  13. @Tom, It's a nice one that would look good with spring annuals.

    @GardenMom, Ha! I'll have to check your blog for your pics of veggies.

    @Webb, I've seen lettuce planted in that manner and it looks pretty cool. My fave example of the use is when it is used as borders around spring bulbs like tulips.

    @Nakhoda, Thanks for the suggestion, I'll have to look into those.

    @GardenGirl, Speaking of pretty flowers...I'm a big fan of lettuce blooms even if they aren't that large. You have to get up close and personal with them to truly appreciate them.

    @Riva'i You don't have lettuce where you're from? Hmmm, that's interesting. I'll have to check your blog and see where you're from.

    @Jeff, Sorry you had problems with the picture in the post. I've asked some other people to check the post and they all seem to see the pic. I've double checked with two broswers and the picture is there.



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