
Direct Sowing In The Garden

This week many seedlings have been popping up in the garden. Most of them are from seeds that I sowed directly either over the winter or late March and early April. If you're a somewhat lazy gardener like myself direct sowing has to be the easiest method of germinating seeds for your garden.

The only thing we as gardeners need to do is provide the seeds and Mother Nature will do most of the work for us. Since I had a number of different seeds and didn't want to start them in home made greenhouses I just scattered most of them in bare spots in the garden. In some cases like the image above I actually went a step further and first plotted out a line where I would plop these seeds. But it's pretty rare that I do that because in my garden I don't necessarily strive for perfect lines and symmetry. Direct sowing seeds in the garden is a lot less expensive than sowing seeds indoors under lights, buying or making seed starting pots.


  1. I really love the floweres that reseed themselves. They make nice filler between other plants and I can dig them up to give to friends or take to the garden club as give away gifts.

  2. Plants the reseed themselves do make gardening easier. Yesterday I spent a good part of the afternoon transplanting seedings to different areas that had volunteered themselves.

  3. Most of our vegetable garden last year was the product of direct-sowing. And we're back at it again this year. I agree, it couldn't be easier. And if the experiement fails, you're none the worse for it, really.

  4. Eh.. perfect lines are overrated anyway! :) So whatcha got growing there? (I'm bad at seedling identification unless it's something I've already grown--those look like cucumbers or broccoli or any other number of seedlings to me. I need to get better at the ID'ing!)

  5. Seedling,

    You're right about not loosing much if you try it. I wish more people tried it, especially people who are new to gardening.


    You know I can't for the life of me remember what these were. But they're ornamentals of some kind, and I'm leaning towards Scabiosa because I had a bunch of those that I was trying to use up one day. Although they could be Asclepia because I sowed them in the same area of the garden.

    I'm bad at seedling IDs too unless I'm really familiar. I have hundreds of seedlings around and I'm having trouble distinguishing between the weeds and the plants.

  6. I'm glad that you're bad at ID'ing seeds, too--makes me feel a little better about my deficiency! :)

    There was a great website that I stumbled upon some time ago... it showed pictures of lots of kinds of seedlings. If I can find it back, I'll send you a link. I wish I could remember it offhand, because it helped me out a lot last year when I started winter sowing and I sure could use it this year, too.

  7. They look like the starts of tomato plants. Am I wrong? Of course I am. hehe. What are these?

  8. Sorry for the late response BSG and DS but I am not of the opinion that it is maybe Bells of Ireland?

    Now I can't wait for it to get bigger 'cause now I'm really curious.



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