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Bat, trimmer, hammer used in lawn brawl - Yahoo! News

Bat, trimmer, hammer used in lawn brawl - Yahoo! News

FRUIT COVE, Fla-The supervisor went for a bat. The employee whipped out a weed trimmer. Another worker used a hammer to break up the fight.

That's the scene St. Johns County authorities described Tuesday after a lawn service supervisor critized one of his worker's grass-cutting skills, the Florida Times-Union reported.

Lance Tywan Wamley, 26, of Hollywood, Fla., is charged with threatening several men with 34-inch baseball bat and then hitting one man in the chest. The worker Eric J. Torres, 23, defended himself with a weed trimmer, authorities said.

Another worker, armed with a hammer, broke up the scuffle, authorities said.

Torres was treated at a hospital. Wamley was charged with felony assault and battery. Information on his legal representation was not available Thursday.

LOL, it's a good thing I cut my own lawn.

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