
Blogger Buzz

If like me you haven't scrolled down past your blog list on the Blogger dashboard you may be surprised to learn that all of the photos you've uploaded to your blog(s) since December are available as albums on Picassa web albums. Eventually Google plans to make all of the photos you've uploaded to your blog available in your Picassa web album. The good news is that you can integrate a mini-album into your blog similar to the flickr badge. The bad news is that there are settings you may want to adjust and if you're obsessive about tags and descriptions you'll have to add them all by hand.

If you've downloaded the Google Toolbar and you've updated it recently there is now a blog search button built in. Just like the Google search button the Blogger search button allows you to search the web the difference is that your searching for content on blogs. I've been playing around with it and really like the ability to search and see what fellow garden bloggers are blogging about. The bad news is that I don't see the Blog This button that was there previously that allowed you to blog about any page on the internet you came across. I use FireFox (with the Google Toolbar installed) as my default browser. If you'd like to download it and browse the web faster and use the Blogger search button you can download it by clicking the FireFox button found on my blog.


  1. Thanks for the tip! I'll check it out!

  2. Hi rose,

    I was just playing around with the Picassa albums for my blog and realized a few things. If you delete a pic from your blog's album it will be deleted in your blog too. I really don't like that.

    When you upload a pic if you don't place it right and remove it and upload it again it shows up twice! in your album. So everyone should make sure they're uploading the picture and placing it in the exact position the first time just to make sure it doesn't get uploaded twice.

    I do like one feature though. In your album there is a link to your blog that it's associated with.



Feel free to leave a comment. You can always use the search box for my blog or the search "Google For Gardeners" if you're looking for gardening information. If you're looking for seed saving information check out "Seed Snatcher"search engine.

Do not have a blog yourself? Comment using the "anonymous" feature. If you have a Twitter or FB account feel free to use the "Name URL" feature so other people can find you.

Thanks for visiting.