
Harry Potter Goes Green

Look out Ed Begley, Jr. Harry Potter not content with being the world's most beloved sorcerer is gunning for your title of most beloved environmentalist by going Green. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , the seventh and final book in the series by J. K Rowling with be printed on 30% recycled paper.

"Moreover, 65% of the 16,700 tons of paper used in the U.S. first printing will be certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), the global standard-setter for responsible forest management. This historic commitment is the largest purchase of FSC certified paper to be used in the printing of a single book title." A press release issued by Scholastic Inc., states.

Lisa Holton, President of Scholastic Trade Publishing and Book Fairs, added, “Scholastic worked hard with our suppliers and the Rainforest Alliance to secure this extraordinary amount of recycled and FSC certified paper for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. As a company with an ongoing commitment to protecting the environment for this generation and generations to come, we believe producing this book and our future reprints of Harry Potter books with a minimum of 30% pcw recycled paper is an important publishing decision.”

This is very good news considering how many of these books may go unread after they are purchased by parents who haven't realized their kids have outgrown Harry Potter. Ed Begley, Jr I'm sure will welcome the news because he will be able to reuse the books that end up in book drives, two months after the release, as insulation in mansions owned by the likes of Leonardo Dicaprio.

Those less jaded can purchase the book at 12:01 a.m. on July 21, 2007. I'll wait until they release the biodegradable DVD.


  1. So, at what age do you think the children have outgrown Potter? Is ten still young enough you think. I know that my 10 year old grandson has read all the Potter books in the last year. His older sister has always disdained such.
    Without the children I may never have noticed the little wizard but have read all so far myself. Not bad at all though I really do not like the movies as well.
    Tell us Mr. Brown thumb,have you read the Harry Potter books?

  2. I don't think there's a specific age when a kid would outgrow something or that all kids will outgrow it. My foster brother was a big fan and I stood in a very long and boring line for the last book thinking I would score serious older brother points.

    When I gave him the book I discovered that I hadn't been paying much attention to what the trends were with him and his friends because as he put it "Harry Potter is for little kids." He had moved and was into some Japanese cartoon. We ended up giving his books to the Salvation Army.

    And I've not read any of the books I usually wait for the movies.

  3. Ah, I've read Harry Potter and actually pre-ordered the final 7th book. Harry Potter isn't just for kids as they have released "adult" versions of the book where the only difference is the art cover.

    Amazon said that Deathly Hallows broke their personal pre-order record for a book on their first day. I'm not surprised.

  4. I'm not surprised about the pre-sales it always does big business. But to be honest I've never seen a grown up version of the book cover. I wouldn't think that illustration would make that much of a difference. When the books come out I see a lot of office workers reading the "kids version" on the train.



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