
Gardening Forums

One of the best gardening tools that is at a gardener's disposal is the internet. Just about everything you ever wanted or needed to know about gardening can be found on the internet. From plant growing information, to images to help you identify your houseplants it can be found on the internet. For a first time gardener it can be a little overwhelming to come across so much information and have nobody to bounce ideas or questions off of.

I myself lead a pretty secluded gardening life. In real life I don't know anyone else who is into gardening with whom I could talk about gardening with. But no matter where you live you can find like-minded gardeners who share your passion or who may have information you are after and you don't even need to leave your house.

Gardening forums are a great resource for people who are looking for information or looking to "meet" other people who are crazy about plants. There are many forums dedicated to specific plants and there are others that are more broad. Two of my favorites are GardenWeb.com and the gardening forum for YouGrowGirl.com

GardenWeb has an extensive list of gardening forums and a huge database of threads you can search. From organic gardening to cacti & succulents you're sure to find a forum for your needs. Some of my favorites on GardenWeb include:

The gardening forums for YouGrowGirl.com is not quite as extensive or active as the forums on GardenWeb but it's a nice forum with nice people. It's popular with women of various ages but they also let men join and in the time I've been a member I've not felt like I wasn't welcomed. If you're a creative person and enjoy being around artsy types and people who like to grow their own food you'll probably love this forum. When I first came across it I immediately fell for it because of the color scheme. It just looks the way you expect a gardening forum to look. Since the forum list isn't as extensive as the one on GardenWeb I won't list some of the forums of interest because they can all be easily seen on the main page.

You can also refine a search and look for forums that are more specific. For example there is a forum for people who are interested in growing poppies that's part of Poppies.org. The choices available to us gardeners on the internet are almost endless, so fire up your browser and find yourself a community to be part of and grow something.

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