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Zantedeschia-Pink Calla Lily Flower

I purchased this calla lily rhizome last year because it was suppose to be a brown colored flower. As you can see the color isn't brown and that is a gamble you take when you shop in big box garden centers and when you buy something that isn't blooming. You never really know what you are going to get until it flowers for you and even then you may never be able to put a name to your plant.

Last year I planted it in the ground where the foliage and flowers were masked by my nasturtiums and the plant didn't seem to be very happy. Although when I dug up the rhizomes in the fall I was surprised at how much it had reproduced below ground. I took the extra rhizomes and shared them with some of the ladies on my block who garden because they had admired the flowers in the spring.

Since I'm not a fan of pink in my garden I was more than happy to give some away to people who appreciated the color. But I was surprised by how easy I found it to give away plant material to gardeners who seemed to be the bane of my childhood. Like all the other kids in my neighborhood I got into my fair share of trouble and sometimes I got blamed for things I didn't do. There always seemed to be a pair of eyes in a garden watching every move we made, ready to tell our parents the moment we were caught doing something we weren't suppose to be doing.

The day I delivered the extra offsets I had to laugh as I stood on door steps handing the rhizomes over to their new owners because a few years behind you and a shared passion really do wonders for neighborly relations. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imaged that one day I would be talking plants with the same women who I blamed for getting grounded.

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  1. I had to smile at your childhood memory....I managed to work things slightly differently when local children were stamping across my front garden and pulling up plants and snapping off flower heads. One day when I was planting out the front a small "gang" hung around sniggering..I started talking to them, telling them interesting things about how common plants got their names and folklore about them. I ended up giving them all a few plants to take home to their gardens...I never had anymore trouble and those youngsters are now grown up young men and always polite. I like your Calla and have some similar...I'll be doing a PINK post soon...hope you'll still drop
    Happy GTS

  2. Hi Mr Brown Thumb, great story and it just goes to show , you never know how things will turn out,lovely shot of the lily.

    Cheers Mark

  3. Great story! Your photo is awesome! Love it!

  4. Kind of brings me back to my childhood. Having neighbors (relatives, because that is our neighbors) tell if we got into trouble. Love the calla lily.

    If you don't mind me asking, what program do you use to put your water mark on the photo's?

  5. MBT - if you had to vote, would you say you are a better gardener or a better photographer? I love all your photos and I started wondering which you love more and if you garden so that you can grow your own subjects.

  6. Anonymous12:55 PM

    A lovely story and a beautiful lily despite being pink!
    Sara from farmingfriends

  7. Cool photo! Sorry it is pink but it is a pretty color.

  8. Hello all.

    Hope you're having a good GTS.

    Curtis I use photoshop since it is the one I use the most often but you can use any program that allows you to crop and resize pics. Most of the generic ones usually allow you to add text.

    Gina that's a good question and I'll have to get back to you. I think I'll make a post out of it since many things go through my mind when I try to formulate a response.

  9. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I love the vibrant pink! I have a pink, white & green color theme for one of my borders.

  10. Hey Beth!

    I wish I could find some of the green one for my garden. I really want "Green Goddess."

    Thanks for stopping by



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